Pottery Kiln

Pottery Kiln
Adds a new functional machine to the game that can be used to produce 12 unique ceramic pots ! Each pot is made using clay and another material (metal ores, certain gems, certain minerals, or rainbow shells) which will determine the glaze color of the pottery produced.
The kiln itself is a recolor of the charcoal kiln and can be purchased from Clint for 5000 gold. Maybe that’s a high price, but some of the pottery is very valuable (maybe a little too valuable), so you’ll earn that back in no time.
The kiln uses 5 clay as a starter. Here is a list of the pots and what material is used to create them:
Blue Ceramic Pot /// Aquamarine
Celadon Ceramic Pot /// Geminite
Green Ceramic Pot /// Iron Ore
Iridescent Ceramic Pot /// Rainbow Shell
Jade Ceramic Pot /// Jade
Magenta Ceramic Pot /// Star Shards
Orange Ceramic Pot /// Copper Ore
Purple Ceramic Pot /// Iridium Ore
Rainbow Ceramic Pot /// Emerald
Red Ceramic Pot /// Ruby
White Ceramic Pot /// Quartz
Yellow Ceramic Pot /// Gold Ore
Pots made using metal ores will take 1 in-game hour to produce, while pots made using gemstones will take 2 hours. The celadon, magenta, and iridescent pots (which require geminite, star shards, and a rainbow shell, respectively) take 5 hours to produce.
The longer the pot takes to produce, the more valuable it is. The rarity of the glaze material also determines how much the pot sells for.
There is a little glitch when putting a material into the kiln, items in your inventory will shift over 1 or 2 spaces. Nothing will be lost, this is just a slightly annoying inconvenience.
This mod requires SMAPI, Custom Farming Redux, Json Assets, and PyTK – Playtonymous Toolkit
A big thank you to the creators of those mods, as I wouldn’t have been able to create this without the wonderful resources/tools they’ve created!