Traveling Takes Time Mod

Traveling Takes Time Mod
Notice: This is an updated re-upload of my old mod from before SV 1.3 was released. Now it is updated for SV 1.3.36+!
With this mod traveling by mine cart or bus will take some time. The time depends on the distance you’re traveling:
Bus stop <–> Mines: 20mins
Mines <–> Quarry: 10mins
Quarry <–> Town: 20mins
Bus stop <–> Desert: 30mins
If you travel multiple steps, the time will stack, e.g. from Bus stop to town it will take 50mins (20+10+20).
You can set the time costs directly in the config.json in the mod folder.
Download and install SMAPI
Download and install this mod (download with Vortex possible and recommended)
Start SV and load up a save game or start a new game
Edit settings via console command as desired
Stardew Valley 1.3.36+
Stardew Valley Modding API (SMAPI) 2.9+
Console command usage
Usage: ttt <command> <parameter>
<command> one of the following:
help show this help
show show currently active options
reset reset options back to default values
verbose true|false: enable verbose logging
<parameter> one of the following for verbose:
true enables an option
false disables an option
ttt verbose true enable verbose logging
ttt reset resets all settings back to default
Notice: Currently it’s not possible to set the timecosts via SMAPI console command!