Community Kitchen Mod

Community Kitchen Mod
Adds a new Kitchen area to the Community Centre! Now comes with remixed bundles, as well as an all-new reward for completing them all…
It’s bigger, it’s better, it’s the feature that ruined the Love of Cooking with a hundred horrible bugs — and it’s back! Welcome back to the Community Centre Kitchen, rebuilt from the ground-up, and rewritten from scratch 3 times over.
In order to finish the community centre, you’ll now need to finish a whole new area, with unique bundles and rewards. All new bundles can be completed in year 1 — so long as you know the recipes! Finish all bundles for a special surprise that’s hopefully a little more fun than a Copper Pan…
Supports Remixed Bundles, with a set of 3 weird and wonderful new bundles to roll from.
Install Notes:
Requires the Stardew Valley 1.5.5 beta!
If you don’t know what this is, bookmark this page and come back when 1.5.5 is officially released.
For the time being, this mod is Android-incompatible.
Make sure everyone has the mod installed before playing multiplayer!
All players should use the same Community Centre mods as the host.
Mod mismatches will likely cause the farmhand to be kicked to the desktop.
Compatible with most bundle mods!
Tested with Challenging Community Center Bundles and Vegan Bundles.
All custom bundles are added to the world without breaking any others!
Safe to add to existing save files! (…hopefully!)
Savegames with the community centre already completed won’t be changed at all.
Savegames with an in-progress CC will need to finish the new bundles before it’s complete!
Remove the mod at any time to restore the CC to normal and return any donated items.