Project Yellog – Stardew Valley Expanded Mod

Project Yellog – Stardew Valley Expanded Mod
A Overhaul of all Buildings in Yellog’s Artstyle based on Gwen’s Wayback SVE Buildings. My goal is to match all vanilla and custom NPC houses in Stardew Valley to fit in with Yellog’s Woodbuildings, in this episode we cover the new villagers of Stardew Valley Expanded.
1. Download the file
2. Download Stardew Valley Expanded
3. Unpack them
4. Drag them into your mods folder
5. Enjoy!
Please note: This is an Alpha Version so there is a possibility that you may encounter bugs or pixelerrors, if you find something please inform me so i can patch them asap.
Please enjoy and make sure to support the original Authors Yellog and Gweniaczek for their amazing work. Thanks to everyone in the SDV Discord without their help this mod wouldn’t exist!