Platonic Relationships

Platonic Relationships
In the base game, once you reach 8 hearts with a datable character, you are no longer able to increase your friendship with them unless you date them. But what if you want to become best friends with everyone in town without romancing several people at once? This mod changes that!
This is an alpha release. It might break with Stardew 1.4 but I will be updating this ASAP once it drops. I am planning to wait for the new version to polish the code. In the meantime, I have only tested this with my own computer on Windows so I appreciate input from others on Mac/Linux if something is different.
All characters regardless of if they are a bachelor/bachlorette are able to reach 10 hearts
You still need to give them a bouquet at 8 or higher hearts to begin dating them
Changed the conditions of the 10 heart events to also require you to be dating them ( if you want to still see the events when not dating them, delete the [CP]PlatonicRelationshipEvents folder within this mod )
Planned features:
Platonic 10 heart events (if anyone is interested in helping write these, that would be amazing.)
Download and install SMAPI and Content Patcher
Download and unzip the contents of this mod into your /Mods folder
Remove/Delete the entire PlatonicRelationships folder from /Mods
Because of the changes to the 10 heart dating requirements, other mods that change those events may override or be overwrite by this mod
A shoutout to everyone on the Stardew Valley Discord Modding channel for being super helpful!! Special mentions go to:
Moo#6953 and candidus#7270 for helping me find the code I needed to change!
razikh#4755 for convincing me to use Harmony instead of redrawing the entire socialPage
MissCoriel#7989 for teaching me how to properly change event conditions