Plantable Palm Trees Mod

Plantable Palm Trees Mod
Plantable Palm Trees is a SMAPI mod which allows you to plant coconuts to grow palm trees. Planting mechanics mirror that of acorns, maple seeds, and pinecones. Either left- or right-click will work, and hoeing the ground first is only necessary outside the farm. To avoid accidental planting, the mod can be configured to require a keypress as well. This and other options are set in the config.json file; this file is not included with the download and will be automatically created the first time the game is run with the mod loaded.
Install the latest version of SMAPI.
Unzip the download and place the included PlantablePalmTrees folder into your Mods folder.
Use_Modifier_Key lets you choose whether an additional key needs to be held down in addition to clicking. Choices are false (default) or true.
Modifier_Key is the key to use if the previous option is enabled. There is a list of valid key codes on the wiki. The default is LeftAlt .
Require_Tilled_Soil lets you choose whether tiles on the Farm must be tilled first. Choices are false (default) or true.
Show_Placement_Icon lets you choose whether to highlight the tile under your cursor the same way other tree seeds work. Choices are true (default) or false.
Plantable Palm Trees requires SMAPI version 2.11 or higher and should work with Stardew Valley 1.3.36 or higher.
Additional Notes:
Because this copies the standard mechanics of other seeds, if you click far from your character while holding a coconut but there is a valid spot right next to your character, a tree will be planted in that closer valid spot.
Thanks to f4ith (AKA JertsukkaTheMan) for advice on how to start.