(JA) Mouse-Ear Cress

(JA) Mouse-Ear Cress
The mouse-ear cress, or arabidopsis thaliana, is a small flowering plant that grows well on rocky, sandy terrain. It is used as a model organism in genetics, and was the first plant to have its entire genome sequenced.
This mod simply adds one flower crop to the game using JSON Assets. Seeds are available from Robin for 60g (Demetrius maintains a few strains in his lab, and has his wife sell the seeds he collects from them). It takes 6 days to grow in spring, summer, or fall, and produces 1-3 flowers on harvest. Each flower sells for 80g. It is not used in any recipes.
The flower pot mod shown in the image is Terracotta Garden Pots.
Install instructions:
– Install SMAPI and JSON Assets
– Download the file from this mod and drag the folder inside the .rar to your Mods folder
– Run the game using SMAPI.