Help for Hire

Help for Hire
Subscribe to chores for a daily cost so that they’ll automatically be done every morning. Complete with a Shop UI and built on the Custom Chores Framework.
Help for Hire adds a Shop UI to the game where you can subscribe to various chores for a daily rate. Every morning when you wake up, if you have the coin the chore will be done for you. If you ever run out of coin, the mod automatically turns off any subscriptions you have enabled. Bring up the Shop at anytime by hitting P and select which chores you want done.
The built-in chores currently available are:
BirthdayGift – On an NPCs birthday, your spouse will give you a gift that they like or love.
FeedTheAnimals – Animals in Barns/Coops will be fed.
FeedThePet – Your pet’s water bowl will be filled.
MakeBreakfast – Spouse will give you a breakfast item in the morning.
PetTheAnimals – Animals will be loved.
RepairTheFences – Fences will be repaired.
WaterTheCrops – Hoed dirt will be watered.
WaterTheSlimes – Water troughs in slime hutches will be filled.
This Mod requires the Custom Chores as well as some Custom Chore content packs to work.
Configuration Options
After you run the game for the first time, the default config.json will be generated to the HelpForHire folder. The following general options are available to customize:
Mod Settings
ShopMenuButton – Default P. This button will bring up the shop interface to subscriber to chores.
Chores – Customize which chores will be available and for what price.
Help Wanted!
This mod is still being worked on. For now you can bring up the Shop Menu by hitting P (although that can be changed). In the long run I want to add a proper shop face to the game similar to the wandering trader or hat salesman.
I could always use help with some artwork for the shop and seller artwork.