BFAV Deer Mod

BFAV Deer Mod
I’ve made a SUPER cute fawn to match with Eemie’s original deer mod! These deer can live in both the Big and Deluxe Barns, and produce milk every two days once fully grown. Now you can own as many deer on your farm as me, I personally end up purchasing a new deer from Marnie each time a fawn has grown up (whoops!)
This mod requires Paritee’s Better Farm Animal Variety (BFAV) so you’ll need the unofficial update here.
As a bonus I’ve also included an additional download that changes your goats produce to gourmet milk/cheese to help with immersion, nothing weirder than getting goats milk from a deer amirite?! All previously obtained goat produce will have the original name, but any new produce from your deer (and goats if you have them!) will be Gourmet Milk, L. Gourmet Milk and Gourmet Cheese respectively.
HUGE amount of credit to eemiestardew, who has approved this mod and whose deers are THE CUTEST! Please note that this BFAV version contains sprites with my own edit to the adult deer eyes that better matches my other farm animals/vanilla style animals (see images for full details). If you’d like Eemie’s original adult deer jump over to Trent’s New Animals and grab the sprite from there!
Once you’ve installed the unofficial BFAV update, just extract the main BFAV Deer file and place it in your mods folder. You don’t need to install BFAV to use the gourmet produce mod however. Enjoy!!