Better Grass Visibility for Content Patcher

Better Grass Visibility for Content Patcher
Improved the visibility of small objects/animals in tall grass while grass remains aesthetically appealing.
Compatible with Stardew Valley 1.3+, SMAPI 2.11.2+, Content Patcher 1.9.2+
This mod allows you to more easily see your small coop animals and truffles in the tall grass (assuming you let your animals roam free to graze every day) while keeping the grass looking nice.
edit: specifically I wanted something to help me see truffles in fall grass.
Originally by mmanlapat; converted for Content Patcher use by treylw89 (for personal use)
-permission to share my conversion from original creator was given.
How to install:
Content Pack Method (Recommended)
Prerequisite: install SMAPI and Content Patcher.
1. Place the Better Grass Visibility folder from the download into your “Stardew Valley/Mods” directory.
2. Launch Stardew Valley via StardewValleyModdingAPI executable.
To uninstall: remove the Better Grass Valley folder from “Stardew Valley/Mods”
Manual XNB Method (if you don’t have/want SMAPI or Content Patcher)
Recommended: make a backup of grass.xnb file at “Stardew Valley/Content/TerrainFeatures/grass.xnb” to a seperate folder.
1. Copy the Content folder from the download into your Stardew Valley directory, overwriting the original files.
2. Launch Stardew Valley via the regular Stardew Valley.exe.
To uninstall: replace the backed up grass.xnb to “Stardew Valley/Content/TerrainFeatures/”
This mod “should” work through out new versions of SMAPI, CP, and SDV unless SDV updates and alters the grass.xnb file in some way.
Edit: I’ll add an image of the truffles in the grass when I see one. My pigs refused to dig one up when I was trying to get screenshots for this.