Abigail Name Replacer
Abigail Name Replacer
This replaces Abigail’s name in the .xnb files using Pathoschild’s Content Patcher. It shouldn’t interfere with anything else and should be compatible with anything else that doesn’t change her name.
Get Pathoschild’s Content Patcher and install it according to his instructions.
Download Abigail Name Replacer.
Unpack archive to your …/StardewValley/Mods folder.
Open …/StardewValley/Mods/Abigail Name Replacer/content.json with a text editor. (Notepad++ recommended)
Change the “AbigailName” and “AbigailNickname” “Value” fields to you desired name. (more details in content.json)
Save changes and start the game.
Removing it is as simple as taking it out of your mods folder. (delete or move)
Current Issues:
Not much, but if anything is missing here let me know. (First Nexus mod, no hate. :P)
As far as I know this only will work well in English, other versions of the game may have dialogue lines including her name in English since I didn’t make it language specific. The fix is probably really simple, but I made this is about 30 min at 1am and couldn’t be bothered to figure it out then. Maybe in the nearish future.
(On that note, I one day might expand this to work with all characters which shouldn’t be too hard. All languages is possible too, but way more work.)