Traducao Fresh Meat – An ‘Alternative’ Butcher Mod PTBR

Traducao Fresh Meat – An ‘Alternative’ Butcher Mod PTBR
1-Go to the folder where your game is installed, usually found at:
GOG: C: \ ProgramFiles (x86) \ GOG Galaxy \ Games \ Stardew Valley
STEAM: C: \ ProgramFiles (x86) \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ Stardew Valley
2- Download and install the original mod: Fresh Meat – An ‘Alternative’ Butcher Mod
3- Download the translation and then extract the files from it in the MODS folder
4- Replace all original files
If you find any errors in the translation or if you have any suggestions, send me a message.
Thanks to paradigmnomad for making the original mod and for letting us do the translation.