Sailor Moon Hair Styles and Outfits Mod

Sailor Moon Hair Styles and Outfits Mod
his mod requires Content Patcher to appear in your game.
You’ll also need Json Assets for the new hats and headwear.
I also strongly suggest you get Kisekae for the skirts and shoes.
This mod will almost certainly override other shirt and hair mods,
so you may have to choose which you’d like to use. I’ll be looking into a fix.
If you’re keen, you can open the image files of each mod and copy-paste
the contents of one to the end of the other if you’d like to use this with
other conflicting hair and shirt mods.
・Make sure you have SMAPI updated!
・Install both Content Patcher and Json Assets to use everything in the mod so far.
If this changes, I’ll make it clear what new mods you’ll need.
・Install Kisekae to change outfits easily and let you wear new clothes.
・Drop the Sailor Styles folders into your Mods folder.
If you’re updating, you should remove the old folders before you add the new ones.
This content pack adds in a range of new hairstyles from all five
original sailors, plus both Naru Osaka (Molly) and Chibi-Moon,
with both their original colours and a customisable colour base
available to use, with Moon and Chibi-Moon in both vanilla
and strawberry flavour.
All hairstyles are fully recolourable with their own custom
gradient maps, so you can give your favourite characters
a lime-green dye job.
All the clothing options currently available are:
・All the original school uniforms,
・Sailor Stars uniforms,
・School winter coat,
・Both of Chibi-Moon’s school uniforms,
・Inner 5 Sailor Suits,
・Rei’s shrine maiden robes.
All the shirts and hairstyles are at the end of the default list
in the character creator, so you’ll be best off clicking ‘previous’
from the first items if you don’t want to click your fingers off.
All the accessories can be found after the default 20-or-so
items in the character creator.
All the hats are available from the Hat Mouse for a small fee
as soon as he opens for business.
I’ll be adding onto this content pack over time, with as many of the important outfits
as I can think to add. Extra customisation options come first, including new shirts and
hairstyles, as well as additions to the extra pants and shoes that come with Kisekae,
meaning new skirts, shoes, and boots to match the school uniforms and sailor suits.
Right now, the only accessories added are scarves from the Winter uniform, which are
also available as hats, but I’ll be looking to add earrings and hair accessories as I go.
If you leave a comment in Posts, I might consider adding new outfits from suggestions,
or changing sprites to meet reasonable feedback.
With enough time and momentum, I’d like to see this carry on rolling into something bigger,
with extra furnishings and wallpapers featured in the show.
Maybe with a little extra work.. the shrine? The game center? Who knows! Not me!
Check your Stardew Valley preloader every once in a while to see if there’s a new update!