
To integrate the Producer Framework Mod with Automate.
Install the latest version of SMAPI.
Unzip the Producer Framework Mod into /Stardew Valley/Mods.
Unzip the Automate mod into /Stardew Valley/Mods.
Unzip the PFMAutomate into /Stardew Valley/Mods.
Supported Machines:
All custom machines added by PFM
Preserve Jar
Cheese Press
Mayonnaise Machine
Oil Maker
Seed Maker
Recycling Machine
Charcoal Kiln
Slime Egg-Press
How does it work:
This mod uses the Automate API to add support to custom machines.
It also uses harmony to change the IMachine implementation for the supported vanilla machines. The new implementation uses the custom machine implementation for PFM if it detects a custom rule for the machine. Otherwise, it call the default Automate implementation for that machine.
This is a standalone mod because I don’t want to make PFM depend on Automate.
Also, it isn’t an optional file in the main PFM page because this mod might need to update when Automate updates, and the only way for SMAPI can keep track of the updates and notify the player when they are needed, it’s to have its own page with its own version tracking.