Lumisteria Letters From Parents

Lumisteria Letters From Parents
This mod changes letters :
– Both parents will write you letters now, and mention the other parent (there is a config option if you still want to receive letters for only one parent)
– You can choose freely who will write you letters : same sex parents are possible, for example.
– This mod adds 4 letters you can receive during year 1
Config options :
Parents : 1 or 2 : decide if only one parent write you letters, or if both will do
ChangeMails : True or False : will change the letters to mention both parents and being able to change their names. It’s suggested to disable it only in case of conflict with another mod.
MoreMails : True or False : will add the 4 new letters you’ll receive during the first year.
Parent1 : enter whatever you want : it will be the name of the first parent. If you decide to use the config to have only one parent, this will be their name.
Parent2 : enter whatever you want : it will be the name of the second parent.
Tired of having your parent writing only when you gain money ? Disappointed to see no mention of the other parent ? In need of more diversity ? Then this mod is for you !
Compatibility :
This mod should be compatible with mod adding mails.