Four Seasons Farm (Type Standard)

Four Seasons Farm (Type Standard)
Select a standard farm.
If you use a MOD that suppresses yellow, the color of the bridge and the sea level may differ.
Create a hot spring in the upper left area of MAP.
There is a minecart next to the delivery box.
Shortcut to the mine from the side of Warp Totem stone. (one-way)
Shortcut to the secret forest from the left side of the hot spring. (one-way)
Shortcut from the bridge at the bottom right of the MAP to the beach. (one-way)
Shortcut to the desert from the large staircase at the top of the MAP. (round trip)
Shortcuts are not immediately available at the start of the game because each is blocked by a large tree and a large rock.
v1.4 Move from Warp Totem stone side to small greenhouse & storeroom.(FourSmine)
Note: TMXLoader is required! !
The tomb is behind the house.
Grandpa’s note is floating in the hot spring at the beginning of the game, but disappears when you examine the grave.