Bears in the Barn for BFAV Mod

Bears in the Barn for BFAV Mod
Bears in the Barn is a Content Patcher and Better Farm Animal Variety mod which adds Bears as new barn animals. Bears cost 5000 G each and can be purchased once you have a Big Barn or better. There are 4 different types of Bears and each one brings different fish to you each day once they become adults:
Brown Bears bring Salmon (regular product) or Sturgeon (deluxe product).
Black Bears bring Rainbow Trout (regular product) or Tiger Trout (deluxe product).
Polar Bears bring Crab (regular product) or Lobster (deluxe product).
Panda Bears bring Sea Cucumber (regular product) or Super Cucumber (deluxe product).
Install the latest version of SMAPI.
Install the latest version of Content Patcher.
Install the latest version of Paritee’s Better Farm Animal Variety (BFAV).
Unzip the download and place the included [CP-BFAV] Bears in the Barn folder into your Mods folder.
Move or copy the animal_shop_bears.png from the [CP-BFAV] Bears in the Barn folder to BFAV’s assets folder.
Open up the BFAV’s config.json file and add the following entry at the end of the “Farm Animals” section:
“Bear”: {
“Types”: [
“Black Bear”,
“Brown Bear”,
“Panda Bear”,
“Polar Bear”
“Buildings”: [
“Big Barn”,
“Deluxe Barn”
“AnimalShop”: {
“Name”: “Bear”,
“Description”: “Adult bears are expert fishermen and will sometimes share their catch.”,
“Price”: “5000”,
“Icon”: “assets\\animal_shop_bears.png”
Adult bear sprites are minor edits and recolors of Friendly magical vegan truffle Bears by MS_Paintdra/DorakoKentaurosu which allows both reuse and modification with attribution.
Bears in the Barn requires Content Patcher version 1.8, Paritee’s Better Farm Animal Variety version 2.2, and of course SMAPI (version 2.11.2). It should work with game version of at least 1.3.36.