Animal Skinner Mod

Animal Skinner Mod
Inspired by and based on Entoarox’s More Animals mod!
☆ Recommended sprite set: Elle’s replacement sprites (Coop, Barn, Dog, Cat, and Horse). These are the sprites shown in the SMAPI example images and the header. And I personally love them!
☆ Recommended paired mod: Chat Commands. This makes it easier to change the sprites within the game!
What Animal Skinner does:
Allows loading custom animal, pet, and horse sprite sheets for use in game, with the same naming convention as More Animals
Randomizes each animal’s skin when created or born
Allows randomizing the skin of an individual animal or just the pet or horse
Allows selecting a specific skin for an individual animal or the pet or horse
Allows randomizing EVERYONE all over again just because
I’m in love with Entoarox’s More Animals mod, and felt that I could take my foray into Stardew modding by adding the features that I wished it had, fixing bugs that I found while running it in my own game, and optimizing things in a few ways.
SMAPI console commands:
Randomize all animal, pet, and horse skins:
To randomize just your pet or horse’s skin:
To set your pet or horse’s skin to something specific, say skin 2:
set_pet 2
set_horse 2
If you want to randomize/set a specific animal’s skin:
– Call list_all_animals
– You should get an output on each animal and the pet, looking something like this:
# Chirpchirp: Type – whitechicken
Short ID: 3
Skin ID: 9
This is the information from a white chicken whose name is Chirpchirp, and is currently set to have skin 9.
– Use the Short ID to reference the animal in specific skin actions
Give Chirpchirp a new random skin: randomize_animal 3
Give Chirpchirp skin 21: set_animal 3 21
I have a few ideas for additional features for Animal Skinner, so let me know if you’d be interested in seeing them, and feel free to suggest your own!
~ Allow support for multi-pet farms, as More Animals itself added
~ A config file that allows the user to ignore setting skins for certain animal types
~ Add support for horse skin randomization/selection DONE!
This is my first mod, and there’s bound to be bugs at some point! Please please drop a bug report if you run across anything and I’ll try my best to tackle it.