What Are You Missing

What Are You Missing
I made this mod for two main reasons: to help me complete the community center in the first year and to reduce the amount of times I had to go look something up on the wiki.
It can be configured to tell you what is available that day only or to show all the items that are specific to the season that you don’t have enough of (like starfruit if you haven’t unlocked the desert yet). If you’re like me, I like to have at least 5 of every item that I can get so I never run out. The mod can be configured to ensure that you have X amount of every item (except for the items you can only have 1 of). In addition you can specify whether you want to know about the amount of common quality items or whatever the highest quality is for that item.
It can also be configured to show only the fish that are available that day or all the fish for that season (if you hover over the “Info” text next to a fish it will display the information on how to obtain the fish).
The default button to bring up the menu is F4.
These options can be configured in the config file that is generated after the first time the mod is loaded.
The menu is divided into 4 tabs: the first being items specific to the current season, the second being items you are missing for the community center that are specific to the season, the third being items that you are missing for the community center that are common to all seasons, and the fourth being items not common to all seasons that are needed for the community center or items that are specific to any season that are available to purchase from the travelling merchant.
I did not make the mod with multiplayer consciously in mind so I don’t guarantee that it will work in co-op.
I have not tested it extensively yet as I only have so much time, so if you find any bugs or have any suggestions for improvements please let me know!