Traducao Companion NPCs (Alpha Build) PT BR

Traducao Companion NPCs (Alpha Build) PT BR
This mod allows you to recruit any of the singles or singles to be your travel companion! To recruit them, the farmer must have at least 6 (2 in this version) hearts of friendships with them and then exhaust their daily dialogue. To dismiss them, exhaust their dialogue (kisses, if they are your spouses!), And then talk to them again to access a dismissal dialog. The companions will also be automatically dismissed at 10pm or when you go to sleep. In addition to following you on the map, the companions also:
Have a site-specific unique dialog on many parts of the map.
Fight at your side against enemies
Grant buffs and (sometimes) perks according to the table below:
Buk Perk Companion
Abigail +1 Speed +1 Luck. + 10% attack *
Alex + 20% Attack * 100% Warrior Ring Effect.
Elliott +3 Fishing Occasionally fishing while idle
Emily +2 Mining * 100% Yoba Ring effect after damage. Heals quickly when he has <40% of
+2 Luck + 5% exp per gain (minimum +1)
Harvey Defense + = Combat * 1.5 Heals slowly when you have less than 80% of life.
Leah +2 foraging Occasionally it shares forage.
Maru +1 any stat Buffed status is interchangeable
Penny +3 Agriculture
Sam +2 speed lets you listen to your mp3 player if you ask nicely
Sebastian Same as Abigail *
Shane +3 Agriculture
* Indicates that this combat’s combat effectiveness progresses with the player’s combat level.
For the sake of realism, each NPC can only go out on certain days by default. These dates can be changed through the config.json file in this release for testing purposes. By default, the days are:
Mon Tue | QuaThu | Sex | Satun
PennySamAbi Leah Alex Elliott Emily
Seb Maru Haley Harvey Shane
For testing purposes, the creator has set the companions to be always available. The final version will restrict your schedules, but feel free to venture with them in your spare time in the Alpha version!
Original Mod here. any bug with the mod report on the original mod page, now bugs with the translation report here
In the ‘assets’ folder I left a tutorial on how to do to add new lines to the characters
Installation and use:
Verify that the latest version of SMAPI is installed
Download this mod from the files tab and unzip it to your Stardew Valley / Mods folder
Run the game using SMAPI