Some Portraits and Characters Sprites by Amahra Dracul Mod

Some Portraits and Characters Sprites by Amahra Dracul Mod
If you find anything wrong with the art, please let me know, ok? I tryed to keep the Vanilla style but changing a thing or two… In this Mod you’ll find the following characters:
* Abigail:
Portrait with Beta hair and Char;
* Maru:
Portrait and Char – her hair was inspired by Haley’s hair in the More Diverse Mod;
* Penny:
Portrait and Char – the change here is that she is blond to match Pam’s hair;
* Emily:
Portrait and Char – Blue and blond version jus in case you want to match her with her sister;
* Haley:
Same as Emily;
** Leah:
Char only – Original, Brunette and Dark Red hair colors to match Vanilla, “Blond or Brunette Leah with blue shirt”, and “Dark red Leah”;
* Harvey:
Portrait and Char – Blue jacket almost Vanilla and Hipster (?), both versions got a improved mustache;
** Sebastian – Char only to match “Vienix’s More Emo Sebastian”, because I wanted him to keep the white gloves at the wedding… and he is paler now;
** Elliot – Char only because I love the “New Handsome Elliot” and I could not do better;
* Caroline – Portrait and Char, now she is a brunette so we can pretend that Abby’s natural hair color came from Caroline.
The Bachelors and Bacheloretes got new wedding clothes!