Project Yellog – Town Overhaul (Alpha) Mod

Project Yellog – Town Overhaul (Alpha) Mod
A complete Overhaul of all Buildings and Foliage in Yellog’s Artstyle based on Gwen’s Wayback Pelican Town Buildings. Now with modular recolor option!
Update 10.10.21: Even more pixel errors fixed! Added another optional recolor for trees and bushes.
Have fun!
My goal is to match all vanilla and custom NPC houses in Stardew Valley to fit in with Yellog’s Woodbuildings, in this episode we cover the long awaited lively town of Stardew Valley.
There are two versions of the Overhaul:1. The full version (with Buildings, Foliage, Decor and Terrain) and the buildings only version for Gwen’s Way Back Pelican Town which can be used with most other recolor mods.
Since the Full Version is a complete overhaul it can’t be used with any other recolor! Please download the Building Only Version and follow the install instructions if you want to use it with any other recolor like Foliage Redone, Eemie’s, Vibrant Pastoral Recolor etc.
Installation Full Version:
1. Download the file
2. Unpack
3. Drag into your mods folder
4. Enjoy!
Installation for Buildings Only:
1. Download all required files (The Recolor you want to use, Way Back Pelican Town and Buildings Only)
2. Unpack them
3. Drag Gwens’s Way Back Pelican Town and your recolor mod into the mods folder (if you haven’t had it already)
4. Replace the files from Way Back Pelican Town with the Buildings Only ones (Allow to overwrite existing files)
5. Enjoy!
The Building Only version does 100% require Gwen’s Way Back Pelican Town to work! It is not optional. You need them because my mod just replaces their files!
Installation Optional Modular Recolor /Tree and Bushes Recolor:
1. Download the file
2. Unpack
3. Drag into your mods folder
4. Change the options either in the config file or use Generic Mod Config Menu
5. Enjoy!
There are Winter options, they’re still unfinished (only roof and snowdecor changed) but functional so you can use them if you like.
Please note: This is an Alpha Version so there is a possibility that you may encounter bugs or pixelerrors, if you find something please inform me so i can patch them asap.
Please enjoy and make sure to support the original Authors Yellog and Gweniaczek aswell as DustBeauty for their amazing work.
Thanks to everyone in the SDV Discord without their help this mod wouldn’t exist!