More Music

More Music
Custom Music version of More Music by Drogean! Since he abandoned his mod i will continue his work from now on.
This mods add some very fitting tunes to some of the sound tracks that feature only looping sound FX in place of music during the game.
These are designed to seamlessly loop and have been sourced from game soundtracks such as Undertale, Dropsy, and Klonoa 2.
This currently it adds music to the following ambient tracks:
(Click orange ones to hear the modded audio)
– Rainy Days
– Quiet Days with Birds Chirping (Spring)
– Night Time (Spring)
– Quiet days (Summer) NEW
– Windy Frigid Days (Winter)
– Brisk Days (Fall)
– Caves (levels 11+)
– Ice Caverns
– Lower Mines
i removed some tracks like beach music (sounds bad at winter) and bathhouse (can’t find it)
Install SMAPI
Install Custom Music
Place this mod (not an archive) in the mods folder.
I will try to add a few tracks for each season for some music variety
I’ll add a new beach music
Maybe i will add a location specific music like in Sound of Rain mod