BFAV Frogs

BFAV Frogs
Requires Paritee’s Better Farm Animal Variety (BFAV)
– purchase frogs as coop animals
– frogs will occasionally bring you small minerals
– 6 varieties based on real species – green frog, pale frog, poison dart frog, tree frog, golden poison frog, and fire bellied toad
1. download and install Paritee’s Better Farm Animal Variety (BFAV) mod from nexus mods
2. download and extract the “[BFAV] Frogs” folder into your StardewValley/Mods folder.
3. within the “[BFAV] Frogs” folder, locate and copy the “animal_shop_frog.png” file.
4. go into your “Paritee’s Better Farm Animal Variety (BFAV)” folder located in your StardewValley/Mods folder.
5. paste the copied “animal_shop_frog.png” file into the assets folder.
6. go into your “Paritee’s Better Farm Animal Variety (BFAV)” folder and open the config.json file.
– scroll to the end of the code, there should be FOUR brackets
– after the SECOND bracket, add a comma, then insert the following code:
“Frog”: {
“Types”: [
“Green Frog”,
“Pale Frog”,
“Poison Dart Frog”,
“Tree Frog”,
“Golden Poison Frog”,
“Fire Bellied Toad”
“Buildings”: [
“Big Coop”,
“Deluxe Coop”
“AnimalShop”: {
“Name”: “Frog”,
“Description”: “These frogs love shiny objects! A happy adult will leave you gems from their collection.”,
“Price”: “800”,
“Icon”: “assets\\animal_shop_frog.png”